Thursday, March 26, 2009

Global Warming (part 2)

So in my last post, I touched on several factors as well as scientific reports that fortify my belief that global warming is not man made.  I do want to add something that I left out that I found interesting.  Al Gore used two graphs in “An Inconvenient Truth” that showed the levels of CO2 over time and a second graph that showed our climates temperature over time.  They seemed to mirror each other, thus providing the only “evidence” to support what Gore was saying.  But, if you place the graphs on top of each other (which Gore did not), then you see that CO2 levels trail the temperature levels.  A rise in CO2 comes after a rise in the climate temperature and vice versa. This is further proof that a rise in CO2 does not raise temperatures, it is in fact the opposite.  By the way, the big spike at the end of Gore’s CO2 graph has been proven beyond doubt to be false data.  There was not a spike.

Now, as for the question I posed at the end of my last post.  Despite my belief that we should be doing more to become less dependent on fossil fuels and coal as well as reducing waste, I think it is dangerous that we work towards those goals through a fear of global warming.  It’s kind of like a doctor falsely telling his patient that they suffer from hypertension and cardiac problems in order to get them to exercise and eat healthier. It is a manmade crisis that has been utilized to manipulate people through fear.  Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.” Disagree with the quote if you like, but Napoleon was right about fear.  The government is effectively using this fear to receive a free pass without questioning from we the people on pushing through their agenda. In fact, they rely some much upon this fear, that the government spends three times more money on funding pro-global warming research than they do promoting and funding green sources of energy. Does that make sense to you? They are still looking for the smoking gun that ties man to global warming because the evidence still hasn’t been produced; and in the mean time, they will just keep scaring us with natural ice melts. So what’s their agenda? Simple… raising more money. You only have to look at the facts and pill back the skin to see that the fruit is rotten. Al Gore started a company that sold carbon credits to offset your carbon footprint and then created “An Inconvenient Truth” with faulty data to scare everyone into changing their lifestyle.  Guess what, his income shot through the roof as people flocked to his company to save the planet. By the way, if Al Gore truly believed what he was saying, then he wouldn’t be living in a home that uses 20 times more energy than the national average. He pays more in a month for electricity for his house then most people pay in a year. He wants you to change your lifestyle, but not himself.  Hmmm, must be something more to the story. 

The government is betting on your fears of man-made global warming to push through their cap and trade agreement.  So what does that mean for us? Here is what President Obama had to say about it, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket… they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.” It will cost the consumers $1.9 Trillion over the next 8 years or $238 Billion each year.  By the way, it is a 40 year plan and as they tighten emissions regulation, the price will skyrocket.  If you buy gas, pay for electricity, purchase anything that is grown, shipped or manufactured, then you will be paying considerably more for those items.  Gasoline prices are expected to rise 144% just from the cap and trade taxes alone, not to mention rising oil prices.  Electricity is expected to rise by 129% as well. Under the cap and trade system, small companies will not be able to pay the hefty prices and will be forced out of business.  The Obama administration estimates that between 3 and 4 million jobs will be lost because of companies closing their doors who can’t pay to play.  Our GDP is expected to take a hit of $670 Billion dollars as a result of the cap and trade policy.  If the price of our products goes up, then other nations are less likely to buy them and our trade goes down. You say that surely no one is ludicrous enough to implement such a policy, but they are doing it as we speak.  They are able to do it because of the power we’ve given them through our fear in a man-made crisis.  By the way, the above numbers were produced by the very administration that is supporting the implementation of cap and trade.

The Kyoto protocol instituted an almost identical cap and trade program that has been a disaster. The UK claimed that emissions were never lowered and that energy companies were bankrupted as costs skyrocketed. Japan said that if they knew then, what they know now, they would have never agreed to any form of a cap and trade program. 

When you operate out of fear, then hasty decisions are made, decisions that are not based on the best information.  Stop empowering them out of fear, and lets work towards the best solution, not the one that raises the most money.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Global Warming (part 1)

It has been a long and crazy weekend so I apologize for not getting this posted sooner. As of late, I can’t help but be amused at the fact that in the last several months, every major global warming protest has been postponed or drastically hindered by uncharacteristic snowstorms.  I know some say that unseasonably cold weather is also a sign of global warming, but I’ll leave that discussion for another time.  Personally, I believe in global warming, but I do not believe that it is caused by man.  The earth has gone through climate cycles for millions of years and it will continue to do so despite the effect that people think they have on it. 

First, carbon dioxide only accounts for 3.8 hundredths of one percent of the atmosphere by volume and approximately only 25% of that CO2 is from us. Nature accounts for the other 75%. While CO2 levels have only risen by 70 parts per million in the last 50 years, we are still talking about a number that is so small and insignificant that it is like an ant trying to stop a speeding car. The earth and its’ atmosphere is just too large for that tiny number to matter.

Secondly, lets take a look at the “founding fathers” of global warming; and no, it was not Al Gore.  Roger Revelle and Hans Suess were doing research for the Navy around the Pacific Atolls during the 1950s.  When work was coming up short, they wrote a paper suggesting that a rise in CO2 was damaging our ozone layer and creating global warming.  They urged congress for grants so they could perform more research and with the possible crisis in hand, they were gladly handed the money.  The two men continued to write papers and continued to get grant money to fund their research.  They could prove an increase in CO2, but they could never (and no one still has) prove that it was linked to global warming.  Today’s arguments of global warming are based on these men’s findings and research which were fueled by their desire to seek more grant money.  If there is no crisis, then there is no money. However, by the end of the 1980s and early 90s, Revelle changed his tune.  By this time he was retired and becoming more alarmed by which how people were taking “global warming.”  Revelle spoke with congressman and even published articles stating that his findings were inconclusive and that it woud take another 20 years to attempt to determine anything.  He claimed that there was no actual link between CO2 and global warming.  The man who conducted the studies and research that provides the foundation still today for global warming is now claiming that his work wasn’t entirely accurate. By the way, Al Gore studied under Revelle at Harvard in the 1960s and he called Revelle his mentor.  It is Revelle’s work that he uses for the basis of “An Inconvenient Truth.”  When recently confronted about Revelle disputing his on work, Al Gore simply shrugged it off by saying the man was old and senile, and didn’t know what he was talking about. 

Thirdly, there was a recent article published by Michael Reilly stating that global warming is on hold.  Scientists are now baffled by what they knew without a doubt was global warming. In the last 8 years, the earth hasn’t warmed at all; in fact, it may be cooling.  The article claims that scientist are realizing that they really don’t know how much of the CO2 is caused by humans and that it could be far less than what they thought.  In order to save face, their best guess is that global warming will “hibernate” for 30 years before it comes back.  Their theory is that there is a build-up of surplus heat that will be released after the “hibernation.”  Where exactly does this surplus of heat exist and who releases it?  Basically, the article admits that they have not clue about global warming because our climate is not reacting according to how they thought it would. 

Let me finish with this, it is my personal belief that as the human race, we have been entrusted with taking care of our environment. I believe that we should invest in cleaner energy as well as reducing waste and becoming “green.” I believe that we should and must become less dependent on oil and coal.  If that is the case, then what do I care about global warming?  The global warming “crisis” is a means to the end right?  Wrong. I don’t dispute the validity of global warming because I don’t care about the environment; I dispute the validity of it because this “crisis” is dangerous.  The end does not justify the means.  Stay tuned for part two on the dangers of buying into this man-made crisis.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am 27 years old and I am from a small town outside of Houston. My parents have worked hard for what they have and they have instilled in me a desire to seek that which is right, fair and just. They raised me to value a foundation of good morals, a tireless work ethic, and a strong sense of independence. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to graduate from college and I am now working towards the goals in my life.

This blog was really born out of a few different emotions, one of which is frustration and just feeling the need to vent. Second, I was tired of complaining. I thought it was time for me to do something about it instead of just whining to those around me. Yes, I could write my congressmen, but I wanted something more. I wanted to engage people because I felt like no one cared about the situation we are in. You may say you care, but do you care enough to do something more than just being mad about it? Where is our voice as an American people? Woodrow Wilson once made this statement, “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.”

Let me be upfront about myself. I consider myself a Conservative but do not confuse that with the Republican party of today.  Frankly, I am embarrassed by the Republican party as of late. I’m not here to solely endorse a certain political party, nor to oppose any other. It is not my goal to get you to believe what I believe, or to think the way I think. My goal is to simply get you to think, to face some of the issues, and hopefully encourage you to make a difference somehow. I believe Bill Clinton said it best when he said, “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.” I hope you enjoy this blog and by all means, please leave comments if you like. I leave you with this quote.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is a force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” -George Washington

The government has a boss, and we are it.